Advertiser Responsibility
When advertising on this site, you must deliver any advertised supply standard, warranty, service, and quality. The advertiser is responsible for any mistakes in the supplied content and contact details, including spelling mistakes and all other information provided for the advertisement. Greenpreneur is not liable for any errors in artwork or text submitted by the advertiser. We would recommend that all communication be checked before you submit it.
Changing Advertising Details
Log in to your account and select edit to complete* alterations under a twelve-month advertisement agreement. Complete means that details are not in any way false.
Using our Service
Users of Greenpreneur use the service provided to find and advertise goods and services online. When joining as a business, it is a condition the companies advertising on Greenpreneur will implement a minimum of one action each year. When the Business implementation options expire, the yellow sun symbol should be selected, and Greenpreneur will contact you and suggest several other options once you reach this point. This is all commitment-free, and keep advertising with us into a significant and positive future.
Business and Services Details
All relevant business details and contacts will be displayed. There will be a location/map on the advertising display page with details of the environmental credentials the business has already achieved and information regarding the future aims of the company. Also, it allows anybody to connect, interact, submit,t and exchange ideas for future solutions and projects.
Advertising Cancellation
Individuals or organisations can withdraw their advertisement anytime by logging into their entry and selecting delete. Greenpreneurr will not refund or credit any funds for payment of advertising which has not been used.
Proof of Identity
An individual or organisation must fill out all fields available on the joining page when applying for an advertisement. The ABN, CA, N, or Company Registration number will be used to identify fraud or improper use.
Advertiser Responsibility
The advertiser is responsible for contact details mistakes, including spelling mistakes, and all other details provided for the advertisement. Greenpreneurr is not liable for any errors in artwork or text submitted by the advertiser. We recommend that all information be checked for accuracy before submitting it.
Individuals section
All comments/profiles are welcome in our Individuals section. All posts should be conducted in a language that others can understand. Swearing and rude comments are not allowed and can result in a user being banned from participating.
Where do implementation symbols apply
The implementation only applies to the premises, dwellings, factories, vehicles, etc., where the business, company, organisation, or institution conducts business.
How Many Symbols Do I Have To Implement?
Advertisers must implement at least one symbol per calendar year (12 months). Could you look around and see how many you have already addressed in the past? You can tick them all on the Business joining page. Different businesses will have other implementations available; when your options expire, select the sun symbol. After this symbol is selected, we will contact you to congratulate you and to offer other options open to you if you are interested, all to gain recognition and the ability to show your further environmental responsibility commitment towards your customers.
Symbol conditions
If you have a touch screen, you can find the symbol's conditions by moving the cursor over any mark anywhere or with your finger.
Implementation Symbol Claim
Claiming a completed implementation means the business/company has complied with the symbol's conditions before lodging the advertisement. If the implementation requirement still needs to be completed, the organisation should not select or use the logo.
Claiming Implementations
False or misleading information can result in the advertisement withdrawal without compensation from theGreenpreneurr website and result in a ban from advertising withGreenpreneurr in the future.
Implemented to date
All symbols displayed on the right-hand side of your advertising section are symbols you have implemented to date. At least one implementation must be completed each year as a condition of joining.
Following-year Implementation interest Following-year 
Implementations interest symbols should not be listed if the business/company or organisation does not seriously intend to gather information for their following-year options; however, if a business is seeking advice or likes to collect quotes, it can display the green envelope symbol by ticking the box in the joining page. You can change this anytime, log into your account, activate or deactivate when satisfied with your inquiries.
Implementation Execution
No implementations should be executed or carried out if the performance requires a tool, including ladders or reaching aids—also, any other assistance of any shape, form or size. Anyone intending to implement any energy-saving option or action must seek professional advice.