M3 - Compost Worm Farm

Implementing this symbol means that the business/company has purchased and is using a composting bin or worm farm for their food scrap disposal. 

An efficient composting process is important, so seek professional advice if you decide to make your own system.  If you get it right from the start, you won’t be discouraged by ineffective worm farms.
Compost and worm farms are fun and they really work when you give them a little attention, it’s a bit like having an aquarium or pond, which needs checking from time to time. You need to keep your worms happy and healthy by following the instructions that come with the setup. They don’t like onions, meat, or citrus fruits, but they will consume almost everything else and provide you with rich, organic garden fertilizer. Be warned though, the liquid from the worm farm needs to be heavily diluted with water before you add it to your plants. After emptying the worm farm liquid into a bucket, leave the bucket out to catch rain - about 10 parts water to one of the collected dark brown fertilizing concentrate.
If you prefer a compost bin to a worm farm, ask s, a specialized retailer, which one is best suited to your needs. The good choice will improve the process of organic breakdown and will neither attract wildlife nor emit odors. Composting bins and worm farms like shady spots in summer where the average temperature is around 18-25 degrees Celsius. A spot in the sun is fine during winter. With either system, it’s important not to deposit any dairy products, any meat, or any garden waste, too acidic, and the worms can die. Garden waste should be taken to council waste stations where it is composted in large quantities and brought back into the community for soil regeneration. Most councils also welcome your general composting good.
If you don’t have a garden area, your worm farm can easily be positioned on a balcony, a rooftop, in a courtyard, or under a tree somewhere. You might even be motivated to start a communal compost supply depot in your street, just make up a sign on your front lawn and offer your neighbors 100% rich, natural fertilizer. Better still, start a community garden in a nature strip and share the delicious herbs and vegetables you can grow with this precious resource.


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