M5 - Double Glazing

Implementing this symbol means the business/company has installed double-glazing throughout the business premises. Save $ 615.90

Double-glazing is a very effective way to save energy, for businesses or private dwellings. Single glazed windows are sometimes referred to, as " thermal holes" because they lose around 33% of energy via the glass surface, regardless of how thick or thin the lass may be. Energy loss also occurs through the window's frame especially when the frame is made from aluminum. The payback time for high-insulated double-glazing is around five years. When ordering or installing double-glazing, make sure the transparent surface is not made from plastic. 
The best-insulated window is double glass where the cavity between the two-three glass sheets is filled with argon gas. Ask for a guarantee and always get it in writing. The insulating factor is generally referred to as a U-value. A single glazed window loses around 200 watts per square meter, which means that 200W extra power is required to heat or cool the space, so, if you add up the square meterage of your windows, as an example, it adds up to five square meters in surface, you will an extra 1kWh due to the energy loss through that window. Where double-glazing is installed, a much smaller heating or cooling system can first of all be installed using less energy and amortize the extra double glazing installation cost fairly rapidly, also due to the fact of heating and cooling are hardly needed. Double-glaze and save. Double-glazing saves amazing amounts of energy. 
There is a business that retrofits existing windows, this is usually achieved by a custom-made constructed frame and glass fitted on top of your existing windows. A cheaper alternative, not as effective but also with great results. Seek advice through your double-glazing company or double-glazing retrofit company.


Example: Savings with a window of 2.5m x 2.5m = Total 6.25 m2 at $ 135.00/m2 = $ 843.73 (estimated glass window cost only) installation cost not included). 0,2 kW energy saved with double-glazing when heating or cooling
NoteTimes/Hours/Amount UsedDays Per Week UsedDays Used in One YearConsumption of ResourceTotal Use of ResourceCost of Resource Per UnitTotal Resource Cost in One YearEstimated Implementation CostEstimated Savings in Five YearsEstimate Pay Off Time
Without Implementation24 Hrs365 200 x 6.25 m2= 1.25kW456.25 kW$ 0.27$ 123.18---
With Implementation24 Hrs365 0.00 W0.00kW$ 0.27$ 0.00$ 843.72$ 615.905.5 years