H1 - Solar Barbeque

Implementing this symbol means that a business/company/council has installed a solar barbecue area. Save $ 4'927.00

This solar-electric barbecue can be installed anywhere, for instance in an area where no grid power is available or where the installation of the designated power line is too difficult or costly to achieve. Solar electric cooking is now possible and safe due to a developed technology of electrical heating elements. This new heating element offers great opportunities for the private, business, and community sectors. The implementation of this symbol can bring communities together in areas for a number of purposes, such as nature revitalization bringing back natural habitats for wildlife in needed areas, social and community gatherings, and for emergency cooking in nature's devastated regions, etc. This revolutionary heater element can also be employed in conjunction with absorption refrigeration and many other applications.

Example: 2,5 kWh solar produced electricity, used for seven days in a seven-day accessible park. The cost of the technology is high, except it brings a number of other benefits. (E.g. Emergency cocking and a common gather point)
NoteTimes/Hours/Amount UsedDays Per Week UsedDays Used in One YearConsumption of ResourceTotal Use of ResourceCost of Resource Per UnitTotal Resource Cost in One YearEstimated Implementation CostEstimated Savings in Five YearsEstimate Pay Off Time
Without Implementation4 Hours365 2.5 kW3'650 kW$ 0.27$ 985.00---
With Implementation4 Hours365 0 kW Used From The Grid3'650 kW Free From The Sun$ 0.27$ 0.00$ 20'000.00$ 4'927.00Just over 20 Years